Special update for Tammie, Ruben, Kaylee and Osho Quote

'Burning City' and 'Osho City' had been linked on the 'About Community' section of the 'Burning Freedom' community.

Especially, G+ profiles of 'Tammie Rigney', 'Ruben Herbas' and 'Kaylee Williams' had been linked on the menu-bar of the 'Burning City' And, 'Osho Quote' is on the menu-bar of the 'Osho City' too.

Ruben Herbas is posting very rare and cool photos still but, all persons can face a limitation. We can't share cool posts endlessly but, we can celebrate our works. The 'Burning Freedom' is the second 'Hippie' community and also the second 'Osho' community now. Thanks to every one. So, I think it's clear 'Burning City' and 'Osho City' has to be in the 'About Community' section of the 'Burning Freedom'

My life is terribly bad. So, I can't visit the profile of 'Osho Quote' because there will be many posts what I didn't check. But 'Hippie Village' arranged his posts three times. And there are the 'Hot Five Osho Quotes' in the 'Osho City'.

I hope you check it again and again, such as I listen to a good music or good movies again and again rather than a new bad movie. I hope you find something good to you from last posts of the 'Internet Music Tour' or anywhere in this village. Also, you can add your favorites, your quotes, your music what you love. Join in the 'Hippie Commune' in G+, and then post it to the 'Fuck (+Help) Me'. Believe me. If you have got any asking to me, I will Always 'Fuck (+Help) You'.
